Never heard of this one, right? A real mouthful to pronounce, too. ‘Abdomino’ is easy. ‘Phrenic’ is the nerve from your spinal cord attached to your diaphragm, the large muscle that separates your lungs from your abdomen. Your phrenic nerve controls breathing. ‘Dyssynergy’ simply means things are functioning out-of-whack. More and more gastroenterologists have come […]
Improve Your Life

Nutritional Counseling & Meal Planning

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement
A Place of Healing, Calm, and Wellness.
At WholeHealth Chicago, we have a very rich toolbox of Integrative, Functional and Alternative Medicine. This means for each patient our practitioners rely on the best evidence-based medicine and individualize a treatment plan–what we call a healing path.
The patient and provider work together to develop a diagnostic and therapeutic program that makes sense for the individual. It combines the discipline of modern science with the wisdom of ancient healing.
We truly want you better, and the best thing we can hear from a patient is somebody coming in and saying the phrase, “I’m feeling better! I’m finally feeling better”.

Health Tips
You’ll like this story. Sometime in her eighties, my Aunt Hildy, who passed on at 94 or so, handed me a book, “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water”, by an Iranian physician with a totally unpronounceable name, Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D. She told me it had changed her life. Dr. B. attributed virtually all chronic illnesses, […]
Yes, I am serious. These days, from what we’re learning about Lyme Disease (more about correct terminology later), anything is possible. Here’s who doesn’t have to worry: if you regard yourself as healthy and if asked, “Overall, how do you feel?” And answer, “Just fine, thanks,” then Lyme in any form is very unlikely and […]
Along with most things relating to good nutrition, I wasn’t taught much of anything about supplemental magnesium either in medical school or during my internal medicine residency. It was a professional clinical nutritionist I met during a long-ago meeting of the American Holistic Medical Association who first told me, “You’ll never go wrong if you […]
If there’s one single symptom that brings patients most frequently into the offices of WholeHealth Chicago, it’s this: “I’m tired all the time and doctors can’t find anything wrong.” The “can’t find” you all are experiencing is the real problem of today’s health care system. It’s that notorious fifteen minute medical encounter of primary care medicine: […]
I’ve been getting more and more inquiries about prescription medications, supplements, and infusions all being promoted for their ‘anti-aging’ and ‘longevity’ benefits. Patients want to know, quite reasonably, what’s real? What’s not? What’s dangerous? What’s crazy? Let’s spend this Health Tip on an update among the world of the anti-aging ‘gurus’ (There are plenty of […]
We combine the best of conventional and alternative medicine.
At WholeHealth Chicago our patients have access to providers who use an integrative and functional medicine model.
Integrative Medicine is restorative medicine that considers the whole person.
Functional Medicine focuses on underlying causes rather than symptoms alone.
Alternative Medicine uses therapies that may not be seen as mainstream in Western medicine. But are actually forms of ancient healing.
Thousands of Happy Patients
Treatments that Work
We are leaders in the responsible introduction of new treatments and therapies that we know can benefit our patients. We strive to be able to treat an array of concerns, and we offer an abundance of options when it comes to treatment modalities. We always listen and work with you to find what’s right for you.
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