We at the Center are on the cusp of change as the Center for Holistic Medicine transitions into WholeHealth Chicago. Mrs. Gore and I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the staff and practitioners that have helped us over all the years, with special gratitude to the Divine for the opportunity to define and fulfill an important mission crucial to us and our community of people seeking wellness. Hard work, training, fellowship, generosity of others, and miracles seem to have been a right combination.
With significant transitions with work and life, including recent travel and thought provoking conversations, I have some thoughts about loss and change that I would like to share with you.
Change has two sides. While one side presents itself as fear, anxiety, and trepidation – a voice saying “I can’t do it.” The other side presents as expansiveness, new energy and adventure – “I can do it!”. As I look around the world of health opinions, politics, and worldly events, I see this playing out. Which side is the right side? Everyone seems to have a strong opinion.
Ancient wisdom points to the conclusion that its “both and,” and not “either or”.
But how can that be? The secret is to develop the capacity to listen to that “other” side. Develop the ability to hold both perspectives at once.
Can we hold loss/anxiety and newness/adventure at the same time? Can we find the good in another person’s opinion and position, even if we think differently? Can we modulate the animal part of us and have it serve and fortify the spiritual part of us?
To all of the wonderful souls that you are, I would like to say goodbye to what we were, and say hello, and ask you to join us in what we will become.
To your health and life.
Dr. Gore

About the author
Dr. Gore has published a book titled Holistic Medicine: Physical Health, Peace of Mind, and Clarity of Consciousness. He is a frequent speaker and blogger and enjoys teaching in the community. His vision is to help people with their symptoms of illness, educate patients so they feel empowered and help them transform their lives using holistic medicine.