Holiday Stress Rx: Part 3

Health Tips / Holiday Stress Rx: Part 3

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My patients sometimes have difficulty comprehending the extent to which
chronic stress is responsible for their symptoms. Maybe it’s easier to
understand how viruses cause a cold or plant spores bring on allergies.
After all, both can be seen under a microscope.

And yet chronic stress is much worse. In The Triple Whammy Cure I explain
in detail its debilitating symptoms, including feeling anxious, headachy,
tired, and “beaten up.” Part of the solution is to get your hormones
balanced and reduce stress itself, but you also need to increase your
body’s stores of stress-protecting serotonin.

The holidays can be particularly stressful. The easiest way to give your
body the raw materials it needs to create more serotonin is to take two
supplements widely available at drug stores–and also here in our
Apothecary: fish oil and B complex.

Take two fish oil capsules and one B complex daily. This would be an
especially easy-to-keep new year’s resolution. You’ll start noticing
results almost immediately.