Qigong for Women’s Breast Health

Health Tips / Qigong for Women’s Breast Health

True prevention for breast health is an active, life-enhancing process. From the Chinese medicine perspective, maintaining a strong internal energy system is the key to true prevention. Life force or the intelligent energy that powers your body’s physical organ systems must flow smoothly throughout the body and the organ systems have to work together harmoniously.

There are steps women can take right away to support breast health.  According to Chinese medicine wellness principles, when energy stagnation in the breast area isn’t addressed, and when certain conditions such as chronic stress, poor diet, and life imbalances are present, it will ultimately lead to physical manifestations of disease.  Energy stagnation or energy deficiency can appear as calcifications, cysts, breast lumps, etc.  In this program, participants will be taught 7 Wu Ming Qigong exercises that were specially designed to increase your Life Force, your Qi, and promote smooth energy flow throughout the body.  These exercises will promote harmony in the body, and improve energy flow to the breast area.

With regular practice, these physical issues can then be dispersed and the internal conditions that foster them resolved.

The Qigong for Women’s Breast Health program consists of 4 weekly 1-hour classes.

During the class, participants will be taught the 7 Wu Ming Qigong movements that will help improve overall Qi and specifically promote energy flow through the key energy pathways that run through the breast area.  Participants will be given a basic introduction to 5 element theory, and helped to create a daily Qigong practice.  Each class aims to provide a structure to help participants gain confidence in doing these exercises.  Also, the group itself becomes a vehicle for healing and support.

Read more about breast health and breast cancer prevention at www.breastcancer.com

You can learn more about the Women’s Breast Health and other Cultivate Your LifeForce programs here: