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Infertility Issues? Start With The Guy

I’ve lost track of the number of couples we treat at WholeHealth Chicago who are involved in one of the hormone injection/surgical procedure stops on the conveyor belt of infertility centers. Currently, it’s estimated that 15 to 20 percent of couples are struggling with infertility, half of them due to male factors. The infertility docs […]

Case Study: High Blood Pressure

Phyllis B. was a longtime patient of mine whose medical problems were happily under control and who usually came in only for annual check-ups. As I’d just seen her last month, I expected today’s visit meant some new problem had emerged. “I’m here for Kirk,” she began. I’d only met her husband once, years earlier. […]

Nutritional Supplement Shotgun Therapy

I once had a new patient arrive with her forms completed, a stack of medical records under her arm, and a large bulging gym bag in tow, saying “I brought all the supplements I’m taking. I’m hoping you can suggest a few I might not need.” One by one, she placed bottles and jars of […]

Fish Oil: Finally Some Solid Answers

In the 1970s, epidemiologic studies discovered that Inuit (the indigenous people of the Arctic regions Canada, Alaska, and Greenland), whose diet was extremely rich in fish, had a much lower rate of heart disease than Americans and Europeans. Scientists attributed this to the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in fish, which seemed to protect and […]

Should You Keep Taking Fish Oil?

The moment I saw the article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), in which a group of cholesterol research physicians from Greece tell the world that fish oil supplements don’t prevent heart disease, I knew I’d be receiving calls and e-mails asking about it. I wasn’t mistaken. Any reasonable person would leap […]

Anti-Aging Supplements

In a previous health tip, I discussed what I considered to be the pointlessness of spending your hard-earned money seeing a specialist in anti-aging medicine. This tip is for those curious about anti-aging supplements. But first, a quick list of the current theories about why our bodies age: Genetic Genes are probably overrated, but if […]

Holiday Stress Rx: Part 3

Click here for the Health Tip link. My patients sometimes have difficulty comprehending the extent to which chronic stress is responsible for their symptoms. Maybe it’s easier to understand how viruses cause a cold or plant spores bring on allergies. After all, both can be seen under a microscope. And yet chronic stress is much […]

Holiday Stress Rx: Part 2

Click here for the Health Tip link. Women play such a central role in family and celebration, to the degree that the stress of holiday demands can make you feel exhausted, anxious, and sick. Taking some time for yourself may seem counterintuitive, but it’s precisely what you need. Here’s another prescription for keeping healthy during […]

Fish Oil Now by Prescription

Yes, you read that correctly. But don’t worry–fish oil will still be sold here and at your health food store.

Believe me, I was surprised when the drug rep came in with samples and said the fish oil capsules her company was making would be covered under most health insurance plans. I have mixed emotions about this.

Still More Benefits of Fish Oil

The Triple Whammy Cure endlessly extols the virtues of fish oil to ramp up your production of feel-good serotonin. Many readers know that fish oil also protects  against heart disease, but are unsure exactly how or why. The answer is that fish oil opens up your blood vessels and improves circulation. To prove this, researchers […]