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Sausage, Botox, and Migraines

I didn’t spend a lot of time studying botulism in medical school. By the time I arrived, botulism was pretty rare. Food manufacturers had figured out that this singularly deadly form of food poisoning was being caused by toxins from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum (C. botulinum), which could be killed by heating food before canning […]

Symptoms: Disease or Functional?

In medical school, you’re taught that patients either have a disease or don’t: That your patient is either genuinely unwell with a name-able condition (and the positive test results affirming this diagnosis) or not.

Lyme Disease Attacks Local Physician (!)

During these lovely summer days we’re tempted to be outside enjoying nature, but beware: predators lurk in the weeds. Here in the Midwest, we’re in a Lyme disease area so I thought it might be a good idea to let you know what symptoms to watch for, a task made sadly easier when my associate Dr Rubin, known for his love of the outdoors and risky gardening habit…well, I’ll let him tell you what he did on his summer vacation.

The Upside of Low Serotonin

A new patient visited our center recently, writing on our intake form “need to get my serotonin higher.” She’d read The Triple Whammy Cure and felt that she’d been making progress on her own. However, she was still mildly depressed, craved carbs, and had low energy. If you’ve read my book, you all know the rest.


If the muscles in your upper back and neck ache all the time for inexplicable reasons, it’s possible you have fibromyalgia. Virtually every day, patients (mainly women) come into the office with what turns out to be this condition. Either they describe long-standing symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, or they’re aware of their diagnosis but were told by their doctors that nothing could be done to help them. While at present no doctor, including me, can cure fibromyalgia, there is plenty we can do to help you feel better. In fact, our integrated approach, using conventional medicines, supplements, and other measures we recommend at WholeHealth Chicago, has produced real benefits for hundreds of my patients.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Although fully 20% of any doctor’s patients report being tired or fatigued, actual cases of chronic fatigue syndrome are (fortunately) rather uncommon. Yet it’s also a condition that, like fibromyalgia, is markedly complex and about which doctors disagree. CFS (also called CFIDS, for Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome) first came to prominence in the 1980s when young people, after suffering cases of really awful flu, simply couldn’t get their energy back to normal again. And even though they seemed to have symptoms of a lingering virus (muscle aches, headaches, swollen lymph glands, sore throats), no virus wa