Health Coaching

Services / Health Coaching
Health Coaching

Health Coaching

Health coaching helps patients to improve their health with non-pharmaceutical approaches (such as lifestyle and dietary changes), goal setting, coaching strategies, positive psychology, and habit formation. Health Coaches typically work collaboratively with the patient's provider(s).


Allison Musso, ND

Allison Musso, ND

Naturopathic Practitioner

Dr. Allison Musso is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine specializing in homeopathy, psychosomatics and mind-body healing to address illness. She is passionate about working with individuals of all ages to manage both acute and chronic disease in a holistic and individualized manner with a homeopathic, non-pharmaceutical approach. Dr. Allison strives to be an educator and to encourage and guide those seeking an authentic path to their healing.

Health Tips

The Supplement I Love Most: Magnesium

Along with most things relating to good nutrition, I wasn’t taught much of anything about supplemental magnesium either in medical school or during my internal medicine residency. It was a professional clinical nutritionist I met during a long-ago meeting of the American Holistic Medical Association who first told me, “You’ll never go wrong if you […]


The word keeps popping up in emails from patients, and I’m seeing it more and more on their smoothie “lists”. Then, when I saw an article in the Washington Post about colostrum, I thought I’d better write about it myself.  Colostrum was your first taste of food when you were born, the first milk produced […]

Delay aging and Monitor Your Progress
Delay Aging and Monitor Your Progress

Most people figure they must be getting older based on how they feel and look. We wince at our first grey hair, deepening wrinkles, and shifting body fat. We huff and puff climbing the stairs, forget names, and occasionally leak fluids. We relate to the line from a Leonard Cohen song, “I ache in the […]


Patients come to WholeHealth Chicago regularly with this common refrain: “You’re the fourth (or seventh or tenth) doctor I’ve seen. I feel terrible but am always told that my tests are normal and there’s nothing wrong with me.” Then they’ll add: “I read about Candida overgrowth and the symptoms seem to fit me exactly. I […]


Tracy had wisely trimmed her fingernails to avoid injuring her own skin, but as she sat in my office she continuously rubbed one part of her body or another with the ball of her thumb in order to relieve the itching. Dermatologists sometimes refer to this as, “The itch that rashes, rather than the rash […]

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