I’ve been getting more and more inquiries about prescription medications, supplements, and infusions all being promoted for their ‘anti-aging’ and ‘longevity’ benefits. Patients want to know, quite reasonably, what’s real? What’s not? What’s dangerous? What’s crazy? Let’s spend this Health Tip on an update among the world of the anti-aging ‘gurus’ (There are plenty of […]
Anti-Aging and optimization
Treatments / Anti-Aging and optimization

Anti-Aging and optimization
A wide variety of diagnostic tests and therapies are used to maximize healthy longevity. Many of the anti-aging approaches are part of standard health care.
We have a multitude of testing capabilities for not only environmental and food allergies but also food sensitivities. Once we pinpoint what your allergies or sensitivities are, we offer several options for treatment. Our providers can put together a healing path customized to your needs and follow up with you to be sure you are making progress.
A controversial medical subspecialty not recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties or the American Medical Association, anti-aging medicine was literally invented in 1992 by two Chicago osteopaths (doctors of osteopathy, or DOs), Robert Goldman and Ronald Klatz. The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) lists current membership at 22,000 in 100 countries, 85% of whom are licensed MDs or DOs. Physician members use a wide variety of diagnostic tests and therapies to maximize healthy longevity. Many of the anti-aging approaches are part of standard health care: colonoscopies, mammograms, cholesterol measurement, hormone replacement. Others are less well accepted by conventional physicians. These may include detoxification, chelation therapy, growth hormone therapy, live cell therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and taking high doses of nutritional supplements.
- Nutrition counseling
- Infusion therapy (NAD, PC)
- Nutritional supplements
- Detoxification
- Acupuncture
David Edelberg, MD
Medical Director & Internal Medicine Physician
Dr. Edelberg, board certified in Internal Medicine in 1974, began incorporating alternative therapies into his practice during the 1980’s. Since founding the parent company of WholeHealth Chicago in 1993, he has become nationally recognized as one of the pioneers of integrative medicine, the new medical specialty combining conventional medicine with alternative therapies.
Parisa Samsami, DC, DABCI
Functional Medicine Physician
Dr. Parisa Samsami is a Chiropractic Physician specializing in Functional Medicine. She has great success in treating patients unable to find answers in the traditional medical paradigm. She places a strong emphasis on patient education and believes that diet and lifestyle play an important role in achieving optimal health and chronic disease prevention.
Health Tips
High on the wish list (probably highest, actually) of a new patient coming into WholeHealth Chicago for “wellness” is not just “longevity” but “longevity plus ‘brains/wit/wisdom’” a la Betty White, Norman Lear, George Burns, late Chicago actor Mike Nussbaum. So let’s talk “brain” and say you’re in one of these four situations: 1. There’s dementia […]
Most people figure they must be getting older based on how they feel and look. We wince at our first grey hair, deepening wrinkles, and shifting body fat. We huff and puff climbing the stairs, forget names, and occasionally leak fluids. We relate to the line from a Leonard Cohen song, “I ache in the […]
Sex hormones are not to be taken lightly. Some recent research measuring blood levels of estrogen in several hundred young women and then making facial “composite photos” showed that those with normal to high (but not too high) levels of estrogen were more physically (read “sexually”) appealing. Go overboard with estrogen and all sorts of […]
It’s important that you keep these two forms of painful arthritis separate in your mind. Osteoarthritis (OA) is considered ‘non-inflammatory’ and basically a ‘wear-and-tear’ phenomenon that occurs with passage of time. There are inflammatory components as ‘anti-inflammatory medications’, like aspirin, or the NSAIDs (Motrin, Aleve, etc.) will relieve pain, but so will Tylenol, which is […]