Phyllanthus/Ayurvedic Liver support combination

Health Tips / Phyllanthus/Ayurvedic Liver support combination

What is It?

The flowering herb Phyllanthus amarusis indigenous to India, where it has long been used by practitioners of traditional Ayurvedic medicine to treat liver problems. In recent years scientists have discovered compounds in the herb that fight the virus responsible for causing hepatitis B, a chronic and potentially serious liver inflammation that can cause jaundice, fatigue, and other problems. Phyllanthus may contain other as-yet-unidentified substances that protect the liver as well.

While not all clinical trials have shown that phyllanthus effectively controls hepatitis B infection, there are important exceptions. In a 1988 study of 37 chronic hepatitis B carriers, for example, 59% of those who took the herb for 30 days had no detectable levels of an important blood marker for the virus (the hepatitis B surface antigen) within 20 days of ending treatment. In comparison, only 4% of the placebo group showed such improvements.

Phyllanthus speciesalso grow in China (where it’s commonly known as Phyllanthus niruri),Cuba, Nigeria, and the Philippines. In the United States, you can buy herbal products that contain phyllanthus alone, or phyllanthus in combination with such traditional Ayurvedic liver-support herbs as Pirorhiza kurroaand Raphnus sativa.

Interestingly, findings from small clinical trials over the years suggest that phyllanthus preparations may help in controlling blood pressure and reducing blood sugar levels.

General Interaction

There are no known drug or nutrient interactions associated with phyllanthus preparations. Keep in mind, however, that liver-support combinations may contain herbs that have interactions.


Based on long-term use in Ayurvedic medicine and the results of small clinical trials, there appear to be no side effects associated with phyllanthus


Hepatitis – 1 pill of each 3 times a day

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Be well,
David Edelberg, MD